The sky’s the limit and advisors who attend the two-day Rainmaker Multiplier experience a life-changing live event that propels their business to new levels of success.
Advisors gain access to 21 different proven processes and have the opportunity to mingle and network with other top financial advisors who have built successful practices using them. The detailed action steps you need to begin your journey to becoming a process-oriented and successful advisory firm are outlined for immediate implementation.
Advisors walk away with the tools they need to take their company to the next level of success. These tools include:
• Profitable prospecting systems
• New and effective lead generation and asset-gathering strategies
• Presentation skills
• Marketing programs
• Holistic, fee-based planning tools
• Processes for hiring & training associate advisors
• Processes for operating a cost-efficient practice
• Community outreach activities
• Client retention tactics
• And much more
"My first words and thoughts when I think of how C2P has helped me as well as my business is, 'C2P has a process for that!' I never leave a C2P training session that I do not apply at least one or more strategies to use in my own practice immediately."
"C2P offers marketing processes that not only create eager prospects, they build a business. Before working with C2P, all my marketing was very expensive - usually close to $100,000 per year. Now with the C2P processes, I actually have a strong ROI and see more qualified prospects than ever! They have helped turn my expensive marketing into a profit center."
"After leaving an Insurance based Broker Dealer for 27 years I thought the transition would have been a nightmare, Clarity 2 Prosperity has not only made the transition easy, but the support and responsiveness from the team is far more than what we could have asked for. I feel that I’m with a firm that cares about me, my team and my clients. Priceless!!!"